Troy Austin, you can find his blog here.
I want to elaborate on the comment that you left about 1882 Partners LP. and Mayor Nick Stanley. I will also start to share who I've discovered is benefiting from Nick Stanley being mayor. I should point out that according to Secretary of State Records 1882 Partners, LP. was created on 6/2022. One month after the mayor was elected.
I feel strongly that the public should know and understand the relationship that you have with our mayor. As per your comments “I happen to know the owners of these properties, as well as our mayor”. Well, how is it that you know them all and what are you and your friends’ ideas for Aledo?
In your own words you tease what’s to come and who are the players in your own podcast on 5/21/2021.
"I would like to invite everyone to your podcast Voice of the Valley – Aledo, TX – Cultivate the West Valley dated 05/21/2021 – Nick Stanley: A call to move from community observer to community shaper."
Your own description of the podcast:
“Welcome to the Voice of the Valley (or at least that is what we are calling it for now). Nick Stanley was just elected to City Council. Nick and his family have been in Aledo for almost 3 years. Nick brings a wealth of experience in helping civic leaders, such as Jeff Williams (mayor of Arlington) and Kay Granger (Congresswoman for Wise, Parker and Tarrant County), accomplish great things for their communities. Nick decided it was time for him to serve his community and for that we are grateful. Listen in as Nick shares his vision for our town and why it was important for him to get involved. Maybe you will be inspired to lean in and get more involved in shaping the future of Aledo. Development is here. Either we will control it, or it will control us. Let's join together to build a stronger Aledo and the West Valley. Voice of the Valley is Joe Frank, Josh Rogers, Troy Austin.
You can find us at:
You can email us at:”
It seems that you and your business partners are a part of the mayor’s inner circle and development plan. It also seems that Jeff Mabee of Lockwood Permian has joined the team. But, more on that another time.
As per your podcast, the mayor had only been a resident of Aledo for 3 years in 2021. So how is it that someone that has only lived in Aledo for 5 years, now knows what is best for Aledo? It seems clear to be that those in his circle are benefiting.
For transparency, here are a few of the business that you own:
Canvas Capital Management, L.L.C.
Canvas Capital, LLC
Farther West Church - NON PROFIT
*Side note*
For some odd reason your church's right to do business as a nonprofit in Texas has been forfeited according to state records. More odd than that is that your website is still up and still accepting donations. Could you please clarify that for me? And also, why it is you are not listed on your church’s website?
A credible source has shared with me that you and/or your business partners are trying to purchase the land surrounding the East Parker County Library. Could you please confirm or deny? I also know that the city is trying to acquire the library. It seems that whole area is prime real estate.
Oddly enough, right after the mayor took office, he had an immediate interest in the City acquiring the library (and 1882 LP. was born). He went as far as to appoint the East Parker County Library President (Shawna Ford) to the vacant City Council seat. In exchange, the East Parker County Library added the City Manager and a City Councilman to the library board. It seems to me that this is a conflict of interest.
As evidence of the mayors attempt to acquire the library, he attempted to push through a 2-million-dollar CO (Certificate of Obligation) to purchase the library.
City Council Agenda item 7B, dated June 22, 2023 -
The public created push back on this and the City Council removed the agenda item to issue a 2 million dollar CO on August 3, 2023 item 7B -
Now, City Hall has simply included the cost of the library on the 2023-2024 proposed budget. As evidence:
This would mean that, if City Council approved this budget, we will now have a library. If this transaction was "above board" and in the best interest of the citizens, why is it being handled in this manner? When the City starts its own library and absorbs the old library this would relieve the property that the East Parker County Library sits on. Knowing that you and your partners want the property around the library it seems logical that you want the library property as well. This seems to me that you and your partners will benefit from this and provides a logical explanation as to why our mayor is so motivated to acquire the library.
To quote you – “Development is here. Either we will control it, or it will control us. Let's join to build a stronger Aledo and the West Valley.” It seems to me that you and your circle are controlling it.
My issue, why should the citizens of Aledo take on yearly library debt to benefit you and your business partners with development. The citizens will be responsible for all the salaries, benefits debts etc. every year for the library.
- This relates back to where I pointed out that you misplaced the word "sacrifice" with "investment".
In the end, you all benefit. Not the citizens. Development should be open to anyone. Not just the mayor’s inner circle and/or business partners. I know of developers and local business owners that our mayor has blocked from coming to the city. Frankly, that’s not fair to them.
Would you like to discuss why Mayor Nick Stanley no longer works for Kay Grainger? Or how about his relationship with Chris Putnam?
How did Mayor Nick Stanley get a seat on the Council of Governments?
Are there any Aledo City Council Members that do not currently live in the Aledo City Limits and thus should resign from Council?
What about the 60 acres?
Is there any business that wanted to come to Aledo, but due process and the law were thrown out the window in exchange to benefit the mayor and his business partners and the business that they personally wanted in Aledo?
Has any business been pushed out of Aledo to relieve the property for the mayor and his business partners?
Was due process manipulated by conveniently not being able to assemble a quorum for planning and zoning? Thus causing a business that wanted to come to Aledo to walk away after waiting 4 months for a planning and zoning meeting that never happened?
Are we not allowing citizens to join committees because the mayor and his business partners do not like them? But yet can pass an agenda item to allow nonresidents (as long as they are local business owners) to join EDC with the argument that "no one wants to join the committees?"
Who is the SUPER PAC?
Have we eliminated all oversight at City Hall in order to further the mayors’ initiatives? (Meaning: No one to intervene by asking questions)
Why has there been a complete employee turnover at City Hall? (I will help you out on this one. The answer is above.)
Who is doing the inspections now? Is it a contractor that has a legitimate history of approving anything?
Did anyone on City Council complain to the mayor because they were being held to building standards set by state law?
Who controls and has access to the cities bank accounts?
Have there been any TOMA (Texas Open Meetings Act) violations with council members getting together but disguising it as "bible study" at your place of business?
What is the work history of the city manager? Has he ever been the number one and run a city? What qualifies him for his position? Has he ever been pushed out of a job because of performance and or personality conflicts?
To everyone reading, I have been investigating Aledo City Hall for over a year. The 1882 and above are just some of what is going on at city hall.
More will be revealed, as necessary.
Stay Tuned