FALSE - "Under Mayor Stanley's leadership" - That is a BIG issue with the City of Aledo, our mayor by law does not have the legal authority to LEAD our city, unfortunately he believes that he does. By law, a competent city manager is supposed to be running the city. Instead, you have two people with little to no experience with city government making decisions. Our mayor is supposed to be a icon of the city and that is all. He has the legal right to start and stop council meetings, vote in the event of a tie and his powers end here. That is all the legal authority he has. If he is going to claim leadership then answer these questions:
- Why is city hall a toxic work environment?
- Why are there always issues with water billing?
- Why does Public Works not have personal protection equipment?
- Why is there not transparency at city hall?
- Why are there not detailed budgets for the public to see?
- How does it take only one week for one of your partners to receive exclusive use of public land for parking for a building which he owns?
- Why do you use subcontractors for key positions instead of hiring staff?
- Are you protecting tax payers or are you using tax payer money for your business partners development plan?
FALSE - "Passed two audits", you need to understand that, you do not pass or fail a city audit. A city audit is a snapshot in time and they only select a sample of accounts to audit. In the end, the auditors state that, "In our opinion the financial statements referred to above present fairly to all material respects to the financial position of the governmental activities."
The City of Aledo's fiscal year is OCT thru SEP. Mayor Nick Stanley was elected May 2022. TECHNICALLY Mayor Nick Stanley has had only ONE audit that was completed under his tenor as mayor that he can take credit (which by law he does not have this power, but we will humor him) for, fiscal year ending 2023. This would be from OCT 2022 thru SEP 2023. The audit for 2022 would include the previous administration and the audit for 2024 has not been completed.
FALSE - "By scrubbing our budget" - He killed numerous previous council approved projects and redirected the funding to Bailey Ranch Road so he could brag about keeping his campaign promise. BRR already had a repair plan in place. On the DIAS he
stated "Now since becoming mayor I inherited an organization that was under performing and mismanaged. After an extensive search we found millions of dollars where missing in unallocated funds."
He never presented proof of these allegations and there where not millions of dollars missing. See his entire speech here.
It was discovered and proven that he did have a professional and personal relationship with Cultivate Aledo and 1882 Partners. Despite Mayor Nick Stanley publicly stating twice that no relationship exist.
City Hall has spent money frivolously:
- Redesigned City Hall
- New logo
- Monogram chairs at the new city hall
- Granite floors at the new city hall
- High employee turn over
- Poor management of the waste water treatment plant
- Hired contractors for key staff positions
- Hundreds of thousands of dollars on a ice rink
- The Library, using tax payer funds to relive the library of its current location so the property can be sold.
- Renting property from 1882 Partners, LP (his business partners) instead of using the community center for a temporary city hall.
- Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a water bill audit, when you knew the real issues with the water billing. (more to come on this later).
FALSE - "more efficient City Hall" - The City of Aledo City Hall has become a TOXIC WORKPLACE and we have reported on this extensively here at RNS. There have been at least 24 employees/contractors that have come and gone since this administration has taken over. Most key positions are subcontracted out, this is a very expensive option and there is NO oversight. A paid contractor is rarely going to tell the paying customer that they are wrong or NO. The fox is watching the hen house.
FALSE - "making City Hall more transparent" - It is extremely difficult to get information from city hall. Some examples:
- Mayor Nick Stanley is unwilling to release a complete copy of his campaign finance reports showing how much money was raised and spent in his 2022 campaign. A copy of his Campaign Finance Report obtained in 2023 showed that he had raised $10,750 in contributions. Additional details below.,
- RNS has submitted several request for documents via FOIA/PIR only to be told that the documents did not exist. We even asked "are you really sure" and was affirmed that the documents did not exist. More to come on this.....
- The City of Aledo does not provide details on yearly budgets. What we see is a budget from a 100,000 foot view. When pressed for additional information we are told "I will work on that and get back to you."