Nick Stanley
Nicholas A Stanley
Nicholas Adam Stanley
FEB 19, 2025
Submitted to RNS Anonymously:
Hey Aledo, sorry this is a long post but it is one that needs to be made so you are aware of the dirty deeds of Nick Stanley who wants to continue mismanaging the city of Aledo. Sadly this is only the tip of the iceberg.
I would have posted a comment in response on Mayor Nick Stanley’s Facebook page BUT several people who have had adverse reactions to his posts have been blocked.
Despite making a statement that his mayor page is suddenly a campaign page, it has been a “mayor page” discussing city business for a couple of years. Public entities, including campaign pages cannot block individuals. Blocking people is an infringement on First Amendment Rights and this is clearly not a private page. But let’s not worry about that because I’m more than willing to point out the lies on the Aledo Daily Buzz which has a bigger audience. Sorry Nick, trying to hide the truth will not work.
Case in point, on the re-election post the comments have been turned off. It shows there are 16 comments but you can’t see them. Also, a month or two ago Nick posted about the increase in water rates and blamed the increase on the previous administration. This post has been deleted. I suspect because our dialogue was not flattering for Nick. I provided several documents from the city website how Nick flat out lied. Lying is one of Nick’s strong suits.
Besides the fact Nick is begging for campaign donations, Nick is lying once again in this post.
Nick did not start building a police department. The start of the police department began before Nick was mayor. It started as a commitment when the city borrowed $18.5 million ($40 million with interest) to build a new city hall under Kit Marshall. A stipulation of the bond was the city will have a police department upon completion of the city hall. Therefore, this was in the works and a requirement, meaning Nick had nothing to do with starting up a police department. However, credit where credit is due, at least Nick was on city council at this time.
The previous administration hired a consulting firm to start the police department process. If anything, Nick’s administration impeded the process. Why hasn’t anything been done until lately? When it became an issue the city manager, Noah went to our surrounding cities trying to buy police services. That was a complete failure resulting in continuing to contract with the Parker County Sheriff. Why was it a failure? Probably because Noah was a jerk to the city officials and they don’t want to work with the city. Just like all the employees that have quit. I have lost track of the employee turnover rate under Nick’s administration. My best guess is over 200%.
For reference go to then look for the police department link under events. This site has done an excellent job documenting this issue.
Let’s talk about Nick’s infrastructure claim. Sure Bailey Ranch Road has been reconstructed but how was that accomplished? I’ll tell you how it was done, by foregoing other infrastructure projects that had been approved and funded. For example, replacing the 60 plus year old water lines in the Lasater Addition. This project was set to begin the same time Bailey Ranch Road started 2 years ahead of schedule, everything was marked and shovels were ready to hit the ground. Then boom, everything was gone and no new water lines. This is one of several approved projects that mysteriously fell off the list of approved projects throughout the city. This list is included with the annual budget but yet another mystery happened. The list disappeared and was not included in the first budget Nick presided over.
Can you say misappropriation of funds?
My favorite comment is that you have worked hard to protect our community from substandard development. Can Nick be any more arrogant!? It is clear Nick and his Cultivate Aledo buddies have a vision on what businesses will be allowed to set up shop in Aledo and we have heard many stories how Nick has weaponized his position as mayor to ensure only his business associates and friends have been allowed to develop businesses in Aledo.
This brings me to one of Nick’s most egregious lies. In the August 30, 2023, issue of the Community News, when the paper requested clarification regarding Nick’s relationship with the partners at 1882 Partners LLC he was quoted, "Thank you for reaching out and requesting the clarification. While those are people that I do know from living in the community, I do not have an interest or business with 1882 Partners, nor do I stand to benefit financially from anything they do."
Here is the lie. Nick not only knew the partners, he was employed by them at Fieldstone Solar Power as Vice President of Acquisitions according to his LinkedIn resume. Two of the Fieldstone Solar Power partners are partners with 1882 Partners LLC (now 1882 Historic District), as well as Bluejack Resources, Nick’s current place of employment. More on Bluejack Resources below.
Side note: the city of Aledo sold Aledo’s historic train depot to 1882 Partners for $1. Yes, one dollar!!!! What a sweet deal.
What is most interesting about your employment as VP of Acquisitions is during your first month of employment the second and third properties were purchased around the traffic circle by Fieldstone Properties and Hunter Peak Partners, both of which consist of individuals who are partners in Fieldstone Solar. The purchasing didn’t stop until all that could be purchased was purchased for a total of eight properties.
Now, Bluejack Resources was established in 2020 according to state records. As you can see from Nick’s LinkedIn resume he claims to be a co-founder but only started working there in 2023. If Nick founded the company wouldn’t he work there since inception? This makes it doubtful Nick is a co-founder.
Lastly, I do not want to blast the name of Nick’s business associates but if you have any doubt to this information being true it is easy to verify on your own. Also, while I do not have anything to do with, there is a wealth of information on that site. The third party supporting documentation is on that site as well as the few pages post with this post.
APR 2, 2024
Mayor Nick Stanley was recently quoted in a article published by the Weatherford Democrat . The entire article can be found here and is copied and pasted below. Source: Weatherford Democrat.
MAR 29, 2024
ALEDO – City council members Thursday voted down a petition by landowners to leave the city’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
The vote comes following litigation filed last year by the city of Grand Prairie and numerous others who argue Senate Bill 2038, which allows for such petitions, is unconstitutional and otherwise illegal.
This is for the legislator, a judge or the courts to decide. Not a Mayor of 5,500 people. The Mayor and his council does not have he legal authority to make this decision.
SB 2038 allows for a petition by “more than 50% of the registered voters of an area” or a “majority in value of the holders of title of land in an area,” to force a city to release the entire area from its ETJ, or it will be released by operation of law. SB 2038 does not require that the 49% be notified of the petition to remove their property from their ETJ.
“Our city council is committed to maintaining a high quality of life for every family in every part of Aledo, and that includes taking a stand against legislation that threatens our community like SB 2038,” Aledo Mayor Nick Stanley said.
We at RNS are completely lost on this comment. We cannot begin to understand how SB2038 affects our quality of life. With Mayor Nick Stanley loosing this land it may affect his personal quality of life and his personal finances as he can no longer dictate to the owners "it would be in your best interest to use XYZ for your commercial development". You can guess who XYZ is. Mayor Nick Stanley has lowered our quality of life in Aledo by canceling and repurposing money for previously approved Council projects.
An ETJ is a designated buffer area located just outside a city’s boundary that, with landowner approval, may be used for potential growth and future service boundaries. Under SB 2038, property owners can have not only their land removed from a city’s ETJ, but also other property owners’ land removed without their knowledge or consent.
“Perhaps the most concerning part of SB 2038 is that it allows a razor-thin majority of landowners to remove property from an ETJ for the property owner’s interests without regard to public health and safety,” Stanley said.
We at RNS do not consider "more than 50% of the registered voters of a an area" to be a "razor-thin majority". To us it seems that it is more that 50%, a majority. We are additionally perplexed on risk to health and safety, maybe the developer is moving to a city that has a police department and can provide safety. Maybe if the Mayor did not give his employers and business partners 50% of the property tax back (TIRZ) or not absorb the library we could afford a police department.
The Aledo council, in June of 2022, approved a development agreement with the 1,800-acre mixed-use development along the Fort Worth/Aledo border, allowing the voluntary annexation of 238 of those acres into the city.
The city of Fort Worth had plans to bring water and sewer services to 321 acres, but their developmental role ended in September after the property owner chose to leave the city’s control, according to the Fort Worth Report.
Communities in a city’s ETJ are under limited municipal jurisdiction, meaning a city has authority over planning services like water, sewer and transportation. Those areas are also eligible for annexation through the Texas Local Government Code.
The author of SB 2038, State Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston, argued the new law gives property owners a way out of an ETJ if they believe the city isn’t properly serving them.
Stanley, when reached by phone by the Weatherford Democrat Friday, said the parties are in a waiting game until a court decision.
There is no "waiting game", by operation of law, the property owners have left Aledo's ETJ.
The Aledo Mayor and City Council do not have the legal authority to over rule State Law. By simply filling a lawsuit does not stop state law. If this was the case, file a lawsuit stating that your property taxes are unconstitutional. Lets see what happens if you don't pay your property taxes. It is delusional for them to believe that they have this type of power. Which, frankly is part of the problem, them and there false belief of power.
But he echoed comments voiced by Fort Worth Assistant City Manager Dana Burghdoff, who described property owners now being in position to “city-shop” by cherry-picking which city they want to work with.
“And that’s exactly what it is,” Stanley said.
We at RNS agree that the owners of property can now "City-shop". Does this not put the city in the position to put their best foot forward? To be competitive and to provide customer service? Our sources are telling us that our mayor was wasting these developers time and money by trying to cut a deal for his business partners?
As of Friday, the original lawsuit petition had been amended to include the cities of Bulverde, Clyde, Crandall, Denson, Denton, Hutto, Kaufman, Lockhart, McKinney, Navasota, Van Alstyne, Anna and Brownsville.
Many are discussing this article today, none have been have been in support of Mayor Nick Stanley. The best comment today - "Losers blame the ref's and winners say next!"
DEC 9, 2023
It appears that the City of Aledo has updated Mayor Nick Stanleys BIO and removed Fieldstone Solar Power Company, LLC as a place of employment. This is SIGNIFICANT as the owners of this company are Steven Slaughter and Patrick Beachner. Before and after screenshots are below.
Known Business Holdings:
Rehab Warriors of Arlington, Inc. - FORFEITED Existence: MAR 11, 2023
Cana Energy Partners, LLC. - Voluntarily Dissolved: AUG, 03, 2021
Summit Land Services, LLC. - IN EXISTENCE
Blue Jack Resources, LLC. - ACTIVE
Stanley Oil & Gas, LLC. - ACTIVE
Known Employment:
Fieldstone Solar, LLC. - VP of Acquisitions
Blue Jack Resources, LLC. - Managing Partner/Owner
Mayor of Aledo - this is a non paying position.
COG (Council of Government) - this is a non paying position.
NOTES: Sources have reported to RNS that since becoming Mayor of Aledo they have noticed Mr. Stanley go on a spending spree. Specifically - purchased a new truck, purchased designer boots (he likes to show everyone), remodeled his home, designer cowboy hats and his neighbors cant help but notice how much he vacations now. Several sources report that he has taken the month of November off to travel.
We find this odd as the Mayor's position is basically a volunteer position.
We also find odd is his employment at Fieldstone Solar, LLC. Prior to him becoming Mayor no one had heard of the organization or seen any advertising, trucks, branding or testimonials. Allegedly what Fieldstone Solar, LLC. business is that they will buy large parcels of land (lets say 10 acres), place solar panels on them and then sell the power generated back to the power company. Wouldn't these be multi million dollar projects? Wouldn't someone heard or seen at least a project? Would there be some press?
Fieldstone Solar, LLC. start date according to State Records is: 09/05/2019
We feel the same about Blue Jack Resources, LLC. start date according to State Records is: 06/30/2020
According to the City of Aledo website, Mayor Nick Stanley works for Fieldstone Solar Power Company, LLC. as the VP of Acquisitions. This proves that his business partner Patrick Beachner and Stephen C Slaughter (allegedly former) are also his employer. According to state records Beachner and Slaughter are also tied to the Mayors admitted business Blue Jack Resources, LLC. as well as Fieldstone Properties, LLC., Abrazo Acquisition Group, LLC., 1882 Partners, LP. and 1882 Historic District, LLC. (formally known as 1882 Partners, LLC.).
Mayor Nick Stanley went on record at the SEP 28, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting that Patrick Beachner IS a business partner and Stephen C Slaughter is a FORMER business partner. State records suggest the Stephen C Slaughter is STILL a business partner of the Mayor.
The Mayor also went on record to The Community news that he only knew these gentlemen from being in the community. Clearly that is not true.